Sterling Ruritan Club First Responders Appreciation Evening
Tuesday, December 31 - Open House from 7pm-Midnight
183 Ruritan Road, Sterling, VA 20164
A Night of Food & Fellowship in Support of Our First Responders.
Are you a local business willing to partner? Are you a citizen looking to volunteer?
We love our community and welcome YOU!!
Please email:
The Sterling Ruritan Club will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive - it will be in the building.
Tuesday, December 17th
183 Ruritan Road, Sterling, VA 20164
Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: "Sterling Ruritan Club" to schedule an appointment. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
The Sterling Ruritan Club continues a history of assisting needy families, victims of fire and severe illness; supporting Scouts BSA Troops and Girls Scout Troops, youth sports organizations, homeless shelters and food pantries; providing scholarships; and presenting awards to our younger generation for over 70 years. They believe a strong community is built with goodwill, generated between and among all citizens, regardless of their race, gender, personal beliefs, political affiliations or economic status. Today, the Sterling Ruritan Club currently has 35 members, ranging in age from 18 to 91. Membership in the Sterling Ruritan Club is open to anyone living in the area and new members are always welcome. The Sterling Ruritan Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at 183 Ruritan Road, near West Church Road and Atlantic Boulevard. For more information, call 703-444-6039.
See Loudoun Now article.
May God continue to bless the Sterling Ruritans.
Mark Gunderman
What is a Ruritan? Ruritan National has nearly 30,000 members throughout the United States, that work to improve more than 1,100 local communities. Since the organization’s beginning in 1928, Ruritan Clubs have served America with Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service. Ruritan is a civic service organization made up of local clubs in urban areas, small towns and rural communities.
Ruritan's purpose is to create a better understanding among people and through volunteer community service, make America's communities better places in which to live and work. The slogan of Ruritan is "Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service." Club membership represents a cross-section of the community in which the club serves, and is not restrictive with regard to occupation, social position, or any other specific criteria.
Unlike most civic service organizations, Ruritan rarely has national programs. Rather, each club surveys its own community as to the needs of that community and then works to meet some of those needs. Nearly all clubs work locally with FFA, 4-H and other organizations serving youth. Nearly one in every three Ruritan clubs sponsors a Scouts BSA or Girl Scout unit.
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